Klondike Solitaire Turn 3

Klondike 3 card solitaire is a more challenging variant of the classic Klondike solitaire. The rules are primarily the same as the classic solitaire variant. However, instead of drawing a single card from the stockpile, you'll draw three cards at a time.

The three newly drawn cards are placed in the waste pile offset slightly from each other, so they are all visible at once.

The challenge comes in the order you play the cards. When playing a card from the waste pile, you must first play the topmost of the three cards. Then the second drawn card, and then finally the third drawn card. If you cannot play the current top card, all the cards under it are unavailable to play, and you need to draw three more cards. Once the stockpile is out of cards, flip over the waste pile and form a new stockpile.

Luckily you may not have to play all three cards in a given draw, as playing just one or two cards on each draw will eventually offset the count when the stockpile is fully drawn down and reset from the waste pile. This twist adds another subtle layer of strategy. You'll have to mentally track when an unavailable card might come around as the first card in a three-card draw after several loops through the stockpile. Three card solitaire variants can beeven more challenging with some other variants that limit the number of times you can reset the stockpile from the waste pile.

Since three turn solitaire variants are more complex than single turn solitaire, it's much more likely that the game will be unsolvable. Don't feel bad if you can't complete your first game. Stick with it, and you'll be able to finish a game of 3 card klondike solitaire.